Default chat function
Required User Permissions: No special permissions required
Overview of general permissions
These permissions are needed for users to use the default chat function in a channel
- View Channel permissions
- Send Messages permissions
The default chat function command allows you to talk to the default AI model (Currently GPT-4o-mini [128k tokens]) in an allowed channel (see /config allowed_channels).
This function has context awareness, which means it will remember your previous messages as well as its' replies to some extent.
The context is stored per user per channel which means if you used the /chat command before in the same channel using the default chat function will also use that information.
If you need to reset your context stored for a particular channel you can use the /resetcontext
The usage depends on the configuration by the server owner.
The default configuration is that you have to ping EasyYAUDAB on every message but this can also be turned off.
If you're unsure about how the function is set up on the server you're trying to use it in ask the server team or observe other users interacting with the bot.
If you need to talk to a user in a channel where the default chat function is allowed, especially if the need to ping the bot is turned off, it's recommended to start your messages with //
Example: "// Hey username, you better use #channelname for that message."
This will make the bot ignore your message. It will be confirmed by a 💤 reaction on your message.
@EasyYAUDAB Hi, what's up?
Send "Hi, what's up?" to the AI model if pinging the bot is required.
Will produce an output like "Hey there, username! 😊 Not much, just hanging out here in servername! How about you? Anything fun or interesting going on?✨"
Hi, what's up?
Send "Hi, what's up?" to the AI model if pinging the bot is not required.
Will produce an output like "Hey there, username! 😊 Not much, just hanging out here in servername! How about you? Anything fun or interesting going on?✨"