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Contributing to EasySystems

We welcome contributions from the community!!!

To get started: Read our Contributing Guide

How to contribute

In this guide we give you a step-to-step guide how you can contribute to EasySystems.


Step 1: Choose a project

First of all you have to choose a project you want to contribute to. You can find all our projects on our GitHub Organization.

If you want to contribute to our documentations, you can find them in the documentations repository.

Step 2: Sign the CLA

Before you can contribute to our projects, you have to sign our Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
You can sign the CLA here.


If you don't sign the CLA, we can't accept your contributions.

Contribute to the documentation



Step 1: Fork the repository

First of all you have to fork the repository you want to contribute to. You can do this by clicking on the Fork button in the top right corner of the repository page. Fork Repository

Step 1.1: Setup the fork

You can give the fork your own name & description or you can just fork it with the names we use too. Once decided: press on the Create Fork button.
Fork Setup

Now it takes a few seconds and your fork is created!!

Fork Created

Step 1.2 (optional): Clone the repository

If you want to work on your local machine, you can clone the repository. You can do this by clicking on the Code button and download the source code as ZIP.

Alternately, you can simply replace the with to open an online Github Codespace.

You are free to decide whether you want to use the methods in this guide or use your own.

Step 2: Make your changes

Now you can make your changes. You can do this directly on the GitHub website or you can clone the repository and work on your local machine.
In this guide we changed the file and added the link to this tutorial! Change

Step 2.1: Commit your changes

If you made your changes, you have to commit them. You can do this by clicking on the Commit changes button.
To make life easier for you and us, please use proper commit names and descriptions! You can find the format here. Commit Changes

Step 2.2: Create a Pull Request

After you committed your changes, you can create a Pull Request (PR).
Your fork repository should now have a message saying "This branch is x commits ahead of Easy-Systems/documentations:main".

Click the contribute button next to it. Create Pull Request

Now you can create a Pull Request. Click on "Open pull request".

Create Pull Request

Now you can give your PR a title and description. Make sure to tick all task on the predefined check list before creating your PR.

Setup Pull Request

After you created your PR, you can see the status of your PR. If you see a green checkmark, your PR is good to go. If you see a red cross, you have to fix the issues before we can merge your PR.

Created Pull Request

Step 3: Wait for the review

Now you have to wait for the review. We will review your PR as soon as possible. If we have any questions or suggestions, we will comment on your PR. In our case everything looks good, so our maintainer can easily accept it.

Review Pull Request

If everything looks good and we decide that your PR is ready for the live site, we will merge it into our code base and your content will be live with the next update.

Merged Pull Request

Congratulations, you successfully contributed to our documentations!! 🎉🎉🎉


If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask in our beta/alpha testing Discord.