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Behind the scenes - The Team (WiP)

· 8 min read
Developer, Manager at EasySystems

EasySystems V2 Server Banner Hey @everyone,

I'm super excited to introduce you to the team behind the scenes of EasyThreads or better EasySystems the company behind EasyThreads.

We are a small team of developers and designers who are passionate about creating the best experience for you. We are always working hard to bring you the best features and updates.

Sr. Developement

The Sr. Developement team consists of the lead developers and is responsible for the central development and management of the company.

The tasks range from leading the company to maintaining the core software.


Hey everyone,
I am SpaceDev and I come from Bavaria, Germany.
Here at EasySystems I am the CEO and Sr. Developer and I have the aim to provide the best Apps possible on Discord!

What are your main tasks as a lead developer at our company?

As CEO and Sr. Developer my main tasks are besides the Development of EasyThreads also to keep and maintain the infrastructure behind the bots, for example the API > integrations and other software and systems.

Anything you want to tell the community?

I want to say a big thanks to the entire community. When I first started this project I was never expecting it for becoming this big, therefore a huge thanks for making all this possible! You motivate me the most to do what I do.


We have not yet received a response from this staff member. This may change at a later date.


We have not yet received a response from this staff member. This may change at a later date.


They are responsible for the development and maintenance of the company's software.

The tasks range from developing new features to fixing bugs.


Hey, i'm Tay, a German Non-Binary Developer. I do stuff on the Internet and like to Develop Websites, ChatBots and AI's. Here at EasySystems, i was one of the first Developers in the Team.

Currently i develop EasyLevels, and one of the AI Providers for EasyYAUDAB. Before i worked on EasyYAUDAB and EasyEvents (formerly known as Eventy). I always use the latest Discord.js as much as possible to have the newest and greatest Support for everything new.

Other than Developing i like to cook, meet with Friends, do Human Resources stuff in a different project, or build furniture for me.

So yeah, thats me. Cya around ;)


Hiya, I'm zee, or zippybonzo (use the terms interchangably).
I'm a node.js and python developer who writes the documentation here. I'm learning swift at the moment when I have spare time.
I manage the documentation for EasyThreads and keep it all up to date and running. I'm also a bit of a network nerd (I enjoy toying with UniFi equipment when I have time).

Beyond that, not a whole lot else I can say. :)


They are responsible for the management of the company and the coordination of the team.

The tasks range from managing the team to coordinating internal processes.


Hey there,
I'm melon (he/him), located near Berlin (Germany 🇩🇪) and Developer & Manager here at EasySystems. Also I'm passionate about creating the best experience for you and always working hard to bring you the best features and updates.

What do you do at EasySystems?

I'm interviewing myself right now..
Here at EasySystems I mainly code in JavaScript (or for the project in TypeScript). I'm also the Legal & Staff Manager here and do all the little website things here.

I heardt you are a Gamer, which games do you play?

I play a wide range of games, including simulators and first-person shooters. ✨
Currently, I'm playing Valorant and Minecraft almost every day. Sometimes I hit the throttle in WRC or play football with cars...

Anything you would say to the community?

You can reach me over Discord (the.melon), on GitHub or in case you need to contact our legal team over mail:

Cya in chat (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


We have not yet received a response from this staff member. This may change at a later date.

CX Support & Moderation

They are engaged in assisting and moderating the customer experience, including interacting with customers and ensuring a positive customer experience.

The tasks range from assisting in the support channels to protecting the server from bad actors.


Hello! I am Goose, a Support Agent @EasySystems! I am an Aussie who is interested in creative workspaces,

What kind of queries and problems do you encounter most often in customer support?

The problems and queries I get the most normally are about how to set up the bot and use it to its full extent. Normally it is a walk in the park and I guide them through it, every problem is slightly different though.

How do you deal with difficult or upset customers and make sure they are satisfied?

The main difficulty I face it language barriers. People from all over the world use our bot and language barriers make it harder to have a conversation. We will try to understand the customer as best as we can and see how we can fix their issue. If a customer is unhappy with the bot overall then I would ask for feedback and assess how their needs could be met.

What do you like to do in your free time to relax and recharge your batteries?

To relax and recharge I play flight simulators, spend time with my cat, or go recreational flying around the coast! I love flying and chilling with my cat so those are two things I can always do to recharge and relax!


Hello reader,
I am Driver (he/him). I am a 16 years old from United States. I am also a bot developer of my own bot and experienced moderator/owner.

Role in EasySystems

My role is Support Agent. I help answer any questions you have regarding EasySystems Bots or other Discord related questions. I have vast knowledge of discord applications and client and ready to help when needed.

What do you like to do in your free time to relax and recharge your batteries?

I like to play video games such as Minecraft, Valorant, and online idle games. I also like to work on my own code and help grow my knowledge on JavaScript and Java

More Information:

To see more about me or my social, click here:


They are responsible for the development and implementation of brand strategies and initiatives to strengthen the brand image and brand recognition.

The tasks range from creating logos to designing the websites.


Hello, I'm ELI aka einsturd, I am a multimedia artist based on the Philippines.

How do you develop and maintain our company's brand identity in the public eye?

I cooperate with how the developers envision their visuals for this bot to be able to bring a bot that's not only feature-ready but also with appeal.

What channels and strategies do you use to position our brand with users and in the community?

Despite the simplicity of the icons, I aim to give it its unique look to be easily distinguished and identified as a beloved EasySystems bot.

What are your favorite methods of inspiration for creative campaigns and brand strategies?

The creative freedom given to me and the convenience to cooperate with the developers, as well as openness to adapt and keeping on improving the visuals aspect of EasySystems.

Anything you want to tell the community?

As opportunity comes, I continue to keep on visualizing and conceptualizing more and more to strengthen the visuals and branding of EasySystems.
You can contact me at @einsturd on Discord, Instagram, X, Threads, and Bluesky. As well as support me at

Content Writing

They are responsible for creating and editing content for the company, including blog posts, social media posts, and other marketing materials.

The tasks range from writing blog posts to creating social media posts.

Funfact: Zee and melon are both in the content writing team aswell :)


Please be aware that this article is updated on a regular basis.

Therefore, if a team member leaves EasySystems, their post here will be deleted without prior notification to the community due to privacy reasons.